Quote about implementation of Fig.2.b)/d) from the paper:
Since I am using the FermionicHubbardModel(CouplingMPOModel), I was wondering about the best practice for implementing twisted boundary conditions like this in TeNPy.The flux \(\Phi_y\) threading through the cylinder is implemented in the MPO Hamiltonian by twisting the boundary conditions such that the electrons pick up a phase \(e^{\mathrm{i}\Phi_y}\) when circling around the cylinder.
I can't seem to find anything about boundary conditions around the circumference of a cylinder in the TeNPy source code, apart from...
-- bc_shift from lattice.py
-- bc_coupling in the CouplingModel class of model.py
...but I don't think that this is what am I after

What is the recommended way to implement twisted boundary conditions with a CouplingMPOModel?