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purification method for Fermi Hubbard model

Posted: 04 Oct 2023, 20:31
by amankumar

I am interested in doing the finite temperature study for Fermi Hubbard model, but it seems the developed subroutine only works for spin system. Is it straightforward to write the infinite temperature state using the already present subroutines, if I change the local Hilbert space to four dimension (\up, \down, \empty, \up\down.) And then writing the infinite temperature state as a bell entangled pair out of this four D Hilbert space. Can you suggest something how should I proceed with this in TenPy.


Re: purification method for Fermi Hubbard model

Posted: 25 Oct 2023, 10:31
by Johannes
I'm not sure why you say this.
The from_infiniteT method should already work with other sites, including FermionSite or SpinHalfFermionSite.
It's straightforward to adjust the example to use another model like e.g. the tenpy.models.fermions.FermionChain and measure N instead of Sz. Tuning e.g. the chemical potential or nearest-neighbor interaction changes, you can nicely see how the densities at intermediate and low temperatures behave as I'd expect.