ImportError when run on cluster

How do I use this algorithm? What does that parameter do?
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Jirawat S
Posts: 8
Joined: 01 Mar 2022, 14:12

ImportError when run on cluster

Post by Jirawat S »


I'd been using TenPy in my project for a while. Up to now, I only run my code on my MacBook and PC(Ubuntu), and it works very fine. Now, I move the same code to run on the university cluster (CentOS7). After installing TeNPy from source, my code raised an ImportError due to circular import when run.

Code: Select all

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 7
      4 os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "4"
      6 from import setup_logging
----> 7 from utility_func import init_state

File /home/my_project/PhD_project/
      1 import numpy as np
      2 from tenpy.linalg import np_conserved as npc
----> 3 from import SpinSite
      4 from tenpy.models.lattice import Chain
      5 from My_classes import get_MPDO, MyMPS

File /home/my_project/TeNPy/tenpy/networks/
      1 """Definitions of tensor networks like MPS and MPO.
      3 Here, 'tensor network' refers just to the (parital) contraction of tensors.
     15     purification_mps
     16 """
     17 # Copyright 2018-2023 TeNPy Developers, GNU GPLv3
---> 19 from . import site, mps, mpo, purification_mps
     21 __all__ = ['site', 'mps', 'mpo', 'terms', 'purification_mps']

File /home/my_project/TeNPy/tenpy/networks/
    166 from import DictCache
    167 from import hdf5_io
--> 168 from ..algorithms.truncation import TruncationError, svd_theta, _machine_prec_trunc_par
    170 __all__ = ['BaseMPSExpectationValue', 'MPS', 'BaseEnvironment', 'MPSEnvironment', 'TransferMatrix',
    171            'InitialStateBuilder', 'build_initial_state']
    174 class BaseMPSExpectationValue(metaclass=ABCMeta):

File /home/my_project/TeNPy/tenpy/algorithms/
      1 """A collection of algorithms such as TEBD and DMRG.
      3 .. rubric:: Submodules
     19     disentangler
     20 """
     21 # Copyright 2018-2023 TeNPy Developers, GNU GPLv3
---> 23 from . import algorithm, truncation, dmrg, dmrg_parallel, disentangler, mps_common, tebd, tdvp, \
     24     exact_diag, purification, network_contractor, mpo_evolution
     26 __all__ = [
     27     "algorithm",
     28     "truncation",
     38     "disentangler",
     39 ]

File /home/my_project/TeNPy/tenpy/algorithms/
     39 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
     41 from ..linalg import np_conserved as npc
---> 42 from ..networks.mps import MPSEnvironment
     43 from ..linalg.lanczos import lanczos, lanczos_arpack
     44 from .truncation import truncate, svd_theta

ImportError: cannot import name 'MPSEnvironment' from partially initialized module 'tenpy.networks.mps' (most likely due to a circular import) (/home/my_project/TeNPy/tenpy/networks/
The cyclic seems to be within TeNPy structure. How should I solve this?

**EDIT**: Okay, I think I did something during installing from source. I've tried reinstall from conda-forge channel and the error has gone.
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