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Neutral Energy Gap in the extended Boson Hubbard Model

Posted: 18 Apr 2021, 05:54
by Ash_Mad
I am trying to evaluate the neutral energy gap of the extended Boson Hubbard model in one dimension. (Neutral Energy Gap = \( E_n = E^{1}_N - E^{0}_N \)) where \( E^{1}(N) \) is the energy of the first excited state of the hamiltonian and \( E^{0}(N) \) is the ground state energy. N is the number of Bosons in the system). To prevent the effect of edge states I have added large and opposite sign chemical potentials at the two ends of the lattice. The gap should ideally be non zero but I am getting a zero value. I am not sure if this is an error in coding or if there is some physical effect I am missing. Please find attached my code

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#To find neutral energy gap
import numpy as np
from tenpy.models.lattice import Chain
from import BosonSite
from tenpy.models.model import CouplingModel, NearestNeighborModel, MPOModel
from tenpy.networks.mps import MPS
from tenpy.algorithms import dmrg

E_N_0=np.zeros(10) #Ground state energy
E_N_1=np.zeros(10) #1st Excited state
E_N_2=np.zeros(10) # second excited state
count=0 #index for above arrays

class BoseHubbardModelmuedge(CouplingModel,MPOModel): #fixing chemical potential at edges
	def __init__(self,t,U,V,mu0,mu1,nmax,filling): #mu0 is chemical potential at leftmost site, mu1 is chemical potential at rightmost site
		lattice = Chain(L,boson,bc='open',bc_MPS='finite')
		CouplingModel.__init__(self, lattice)

		for u in range(len(
			self.add_onsite(- U / 2., u, 'N')
			self.add_onsite(U / 2., u, 'NN')
		for u1, u2, dx in['nearest_neighbors']:
			self.add_coupling(-t, u1, 'Bd', u2, 'B', dx, plus_hc=True)
			self.add_coupling(V, u1, 'N', u2, 'N', dx)
		MPOModel.__init__(self, lattice, self.calc_H_MPO())

for VV in range(36,37,1):
	M = BoseHubbardModelmuedge(t=1,U=5,V=V,mu0=10,mu1=-10,nmax=2,filling=1) #"conserve":N
	for i in range(100):
	psi0=MPS.from_product_state(,p,"finite")#creating an MPS state from a product state. The product state is all sites with single boson 
	dmrg_params = {"max_sweeps":20,"trunc_params": {"chi_max": 300, "svd_min": 1.e-10}} 
	H_MPO = M.calc_H_MPO(tol_zero = 1.0e-15) 	
	states = dmrg_params['orthogonal_to']=[]		
	for i in range(3):
	psi_0=states[0] # ground state
	psi_1=states[1] #first excited state
	psi_2=states[2] #second excited state
	E_N_0[count] = M.H_MPO.expectation_value(psi_0)
	E_N_1[count] = M.H_MPO.expectation_value(psi_1)
	E_N_2[count] = M.H_MPO.expectation_value(psi_2)	
	print("Ground state energy=",E_N_0[count])
	print("First Excited state=",E_N_1[count])	
	print("Second Excited state=",E_N_2[count])	
	print("V=",V," :  ","E_n=",E_N_1[count]-E_N_0[count])
E_n=E_N_1-E_N_0 #neutral gap

The output I am getting is

Code: Select all

Ground state energy= 193.12420756001185
First Excited state= 193.12420756001143
Second Excited state= 216.19939198650584
V= 3.6  :   E_n= -4.263256414560601e-13

Re: Neutral Energy Gap in the extended Boson Hubbard Model

Posted: 26 Apr 2021, 17:24
by yuchihe
To see if there is a neutral gap, there is an alternative way free of edge effect. You may run infinite DMRG with different bond dimensions and print mps.correlation_length () for different bond dimensions. Plotting correlation_length vs bond dimensions using log-log scale and a convergence tendency (sublinear behavior) indicates that this system has a bulk gap.

On the other hand, Ground state energy= First Excited state energy, may imply there is a spontaneous symmetry breaking. In this case, maybe these two states correspond to the two broken states. However, you have added chemical potential which could lift the degeneracy.

P.S. My interpretation is that your model is a 2-hardcore boson.

Re: Neutral Energy Gap in the extended Boson Hubbard Model

Posted: 27 Apr 2021, 07:30
by Ash_Mad
My model is softcore bosons. For computational purposes, I have truncated the Hilbert space to a maximum of two bosons per site. Also, do I have to find the correlation length only for the ground state or for both the ground state and excited state of the system? I am unable to understand how the convergence of correlation length indicates the presence of a bulk gap? Also once I have determined the presence of the bulk gap how do I go about evaluating it?

Re: Neutral Energy Gap in the extended Boson Hubbard Model

Posted: 27 Apr 2021, 12:17
by yuchihe
You just need to find that for ground state.

For correlation length in iDMRG, you can find the theory for critical chains.
For gaped chains, correlation length should simply converge when you increase bond dimension.
Correlation length xi=v/gap. v is a constant characteristic velocity and cannot be easily obtained. We see that if gap is finite, xi is finite.
While you still have to use your method to determine the gap, you can just use 1/xi as gap to do some critical scaling.

Re: Neutral Energy Gap in the extended Boson Hubbard Model

Posted: 27 Apr 2021, 14:16
by Ash_Mad
Thank you for your suggestion. I will try this method