How to deal with different ChargeInfos

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How to deal with different ChargeInfos

Post by lww »

Given a MPS, I want to obtain the new MPS representing the projected state. For example, the original state lives in the space of spinful fermion with both particle number and Sz conservation, then it is mapped to spin system with Sz conservation by Gutzwiller projection \(1-\left|0\right>\left<0\right|-\left|\uparrow\downarrow\right>\left<\uparrow\downarrow\right|\) on each site. My problem is how to deal with the situation in TenPy: 1. How to create a projection operator whose physical legs have different ChargeInfos and length. 2. After projection the original operators can not be used anymore, how should I correctly create the new MPS to allow subsequent measurements. Thanks for helping me out!
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Re: How to deal with different ChargeInfos

Post by Johannes »

I'm not completely sure if I understand what you want to do and what you mean with "Gutzwiller projection".
As far as I understand, you have found an MPS of SpinHalfFermionSite -based model with both Sz and N conservation.
Now you want to "project" into the subspace of fixed particle number N=1 on each site, right?
The projection operator \(P_1 = \mathbb{1} - |vac\rangle \langle vac| - | \uparrow \downarrow \rangle \langle \uparrow \downarrow| = |\uparrow\rangle \langle \uparrow | + | \downarrow \rangle \langle \downarrow | \) is diagonal, hence it commutes with both the Sz and N operator! Hence, you actually can write it down while conserving the charges!

So the simple approach would be to just add a local operator doing the projection and applying it to psi.
Doing this will make it trivial to do measurements afterwards.

Code: Select all

psi = .... # from DMRG, assuming that it has

# add a new operator "P_1" projection operator to each site of the MPS
# (you can also do this already when you initialize the site for a custom model)
for site in psi.sites:
    if "P_1" in site.opnames:
        # we already added the operator, as the Site instances are re-used
    # add the P_1 operator
    P_1 = np.zeros([site.dim, site.dim])
    for i in site.state_indices(['up', 'down']):
        P_1[i, i] = 1.
    site.add_op("P_1", P_1, hc="P_1")

# apply the product of single-site projectors P = \product_x (P_1)_x
for x in range(psi.L - 1):
    # hack: unitary=True just avoids calling `psi.canonical_form`
    psi.apply_local_op(x, 'P_1', unitary=True)
psi.apply_local_op(psi.L - 1, unitary=False, renormalize=True)
# the last call calls psi.canonical_form() in the end

# measure psi expecaton values etc as usual
Yesterday, I implemented MPS.apply_product_op, a slight generalization of MPS.apply_local_op.
Using that function, the last loop becomes a bit easier. If you have a TenPy version after ac42eed45, you can use:

Code: Select all

# apply the product of single-site projectors P = \product_x (P_1)_x
psi.apply_product_op(["P_1"] * psi.L, renormalize=True)

Alternatively, if you want to be really pedantic (or need to optimize this for a looong-running subsequent algorithm) you can in principle also project out the non-used local states completely, basically using Array.iproject, but that's a bit more complicated; you need to take care to do this consistently on all the B tensors and sites at the same time. In that case, you could even drop the N charge completely. Let me know if you would like to see code for that.
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Re: How to deal with different ChargeInfos

Post by lww »

Thanks, Johannes! I'd like to know how to implement this by Array.iproject, resulting in a pure spin-1/2 MPS. It will be great if you can provide the code.
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