I am new to TeNPy and currently working on a project involving spin-half fermions. I’ve come across an issue with the output format from the all_coupling_terms().to_TermList() when using the add_coupling function for defining hopping terms.
Description of the Issue:
The output seems to correctly incorporate Jordan-Wigner strings and represents the intended couplings, but I noticed that the fermionic creation operator Cdd does not display subscripts in some cases where I would expect them. For example, I see Cdd JW_0 Cd_1 instead of the expected Cdd_0 JW_0 Cd_1 and similarly, Cdd JW_1 Cd_2 instead of Cdd_1 JW_1 Cd_2. Interestingly, the 'N' operators do have the correct subscripts.
This inconsistency has left me unsure whether this is just a cosmetic issue in the printout or if it suggests a deeper issue with how the model setup or the library handles fermionic terms (or my understanding of the output ). Could this lack of subscripts affect the accuracy or functionality of simulations run with this model?
Below I have provided example of a code.
Code: Select all
import numpy as np
from tenpy.models.lattice import Chain
from tenpy.models.model import CouplingMPOModel
class test(CouplingMPOModel):
default_lattice = Chain
force_default_lattice = True
def init_sites(self, model_params):
return site.SpinHalfFermionSite(cons_N=None,cons_Sz=None)
def init_terms(self, model_params):
J = 1.
lambd=model_params.get('lambd',0) #get the lambda value from parameters
self.add_coupling(lambd, 0, 'Cdd', 0, 'Cd', [1],plus_hc=True)
test = test({'lambd':5,'L':3})
Code: Select all
5.00000 * Cdd JW_0 Cd_1 +
5.00000 * JW Cd_0 Cdd_1 +
1.00000 * Nd_0 Nd_1 +
5.00000 * Cdd JW_1 Cd_2 +
5.00000 * JW Cd_1 Cdd_2 +
1.00000 * Nd_1 Nd_2