Difference between ExpMPOEvolution and TimeDependentExpMPOEvolution

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Difference between ExpMPOEvolution and TimeDependentExpMPOEvolution

Post by dorf »

I am running some quantum annealing simulations for the transverse field Ising model. At t=0 the Hamiltonian is just the field term and at t=T it's only the Ising terms with linear interpolation in-between.

So far I have been just looping over time steps and initialized a new model with slightly changed parameters at each time step. I use this model and the (previous) wave function to create a new MPOExpEvolution instance which I then evolve for one time step.

I recently found the `TimeDependentMPOExpEvolution` class in the documentation. Is that just a wrapper for the same as what I've been doing or is there a fundamental difference when working with time dependent Hamiltonians in tenpy?

Thank you!
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