Hi, TeNpy
Sorry for asking my question here, I'm trying to calculate the Momentum entanglement spectrum on BosonHaldaneModel using TeNpy. By studying example1: Fermionic momentum entanglement spectrum https://colab.research.google.com/driv ... 4OaJpI9v_Y
and example2: Bosonic entanglement spectrum in real space https://tenpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ... _FCI.html. . I try to get the result in Fig.3 in article 1208.2623.
Unfortunately, my attempts failed, I saw some discussions about this paper in TeNpy Forum, but it didn't solve my problem. This paper has been mentioned many times in the forum, which makes me think that my question also has some meaning.Could please help or give some advice to solve this problem that has troubled me for a long time, do I need to post my error code here?