Search found 7 matches

by DiracString
15 Jul 2024, 20:31
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Strategies to run large-memory calculations?
Replies: 0
Views: 1122

Strategies to run large-memory calculations?

Hi, I am trying to run some DMRG simulations on a cluster. However, I eventually run out of memory. In the slurm file, I get the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mmfs1/gscratch/.../conda_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tenpy/algorithms/", line 1831, in mix_rho_L LHef...
by DiracString
02 Jul 2024, 03:12
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Units of exchange coupling and DMI/anisotropic J
Replies: 0
Views: 1525

Units of exchange coupling and DMI/anisotropic J

Hi, 1) In VAMPIRE, exchange coupling strengths are given in units of Joules/link (which end up being on the order of 10^-22). In the TenPy documentation, the values used in the documentation are numbers on the order of 1 (e.g., for add_coupling() ). Do the units matter? Can I just use values in meV?...
by DiracString
02 Jul 2024, 03:04
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: How to plot spin structure?
Replies: 0
Views: 1353

How to plot spin structure?

Hi, Would you mind clarifying how I can go about finding the magnetic ground state and magnetic order using TenPy and plotting the resulting spin structure? I started exploring TenPy's DMRG features, but am not sure how exactly to go about doing this. Naively, I would have thought that it is a matte...
by DiracString
12 Jun 2024, 22:56
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: How to model anisotropic exchange J, single-ion anisotropy and DMI for DMRG?
Replies: 4
Views: 25702

Re: How to model anisotropic exchange J, single-ion anisotropy and DMI for DMRG?

Thank you for your response Johannes ! Would you mind clarifying the following? 1) Why do you add np.pi/6 to the array of angles? 2) If I specify anisotropic exchange J.S_i.S_j (Jxx,Jxy,Jxz,Jyx,Jyy,Jyz,Jzx,Jzy,Jzz) via add_coupling(), and my system has DMI too, will I need to specify DMI D separatel...
by DiracString
28 Oct 2023, 19:13
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: How to model anisotropic exchange J, single-ion anisotropy and DMI for DMRG?
Replies: 4
Views: 25702

Re: How to model anisotropic exchange J, single-ion anisotropy and DMI for DMRG?

Johannes , thank you! That source code is very helpful. I think I understand how to deal with anisotropic J and single-ion anisotropy. However, I am lost regarding incorporating DMI. I have the DMI vector D = (Dx,Dy,Dz), and this vector is different depending on the spin site chosen. I have a trian...
by DiracString
11 Oct 2023, 18:45
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: How to model anisotropic exchange J, single-ion anisotropy and DMI for DMRG?
Replies: 4
Views: 25702

How to model anisotropic exchange J, single-ion anisotropy and DMI for DMRG?

Hi, Currently, I am able to run DMRG calculations for the CouplingMPOModel with isotropic exchange J parameters J1 and J2 for NN, and NNN using: def init_terms(self, model_params): J1 = model_params.get('J1', 1.0) J2 = model_params.get('J2', 0.0) for u1, u2, dx in['nearest_neighbors']...
by DiracString
29 Jun 2023, 00:28
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: DMRG on 2D triangular lattice for J1-J2 spin-1/2 model
Replies: 1
Views: 6676

DMRG on 2D triangular lattice for J1-J2 spin-1/2 model

Hi, I started using TeNPy just a few days ago, and I appreciate all the work being done on it. Please forgive me for the following long, beginner questions, but I wasn't sure where else to go to for help. 1) I want to use DMRG to find the magnetic ground state on a triangular lattice for a spin-1/2 ...