Search found 460 matches

by Johannes
14 Feb 2025, 18:53
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Incorporating staggering in a 2-D model
Replies: 2
Views: 5745

Re: Incorporating staggering in a 2-D model

Sure, just use a corresponding 2D array for the strength should work. It's documented in add_multi_coupling , by the way, but probably not clear enough? The reference in there should have pointed to possible_multi_couplings , which directly gives you the valid shape for the strength, e.g. trying squ...
by Johannes
14 Feb 2025, 16:19
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: How to write a PXP model right
Replies: 1
Views: 1593

Re: How to write a PXP model right

There's some issue with your models, try reading reading the model guide for more details. Some hints: You're trying to run TEBD, which requires H_bond defined in a NearestNeighbourModel. However, the PXP model is not nearest-Neighbor, so you either need to use a different time evolution method like...
by Johannes
10 Feb 2025, 09:05
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Problem defining nearest neighbour model
Replies: 4
Views: 17169

Re: Problem defining nearest neighbour model

Take a look at the userguide for defining new models . The idea is that you rewrite your Hamiltonian H = \sum_{\langle i,j\rangle} A_i B_j = \sum_{i} \sum_{\delta = j-i} A_i A_{i+\delta} and the nearest_neighbor_couplings for a given lattice are the set of \delta you need to sum over. To be precise,...
by Johannes
22 Jan 2025, 15:47
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Ordering of exact diagonalization basis
Replies: 5
Views: 29614

Re: Ordering of exact diagonalization basis

Hi Bart, it's essentially defined by the following line in ExactDiag.__init__() self._pipe = npc.LegPipe(legs, qconj=1, sort=(not sparse), bunch=(not sparse)) Unless you use the `sort=False` keyword, the pipe internally sorts by charge values, more precises such that it's `qmap` is lexiographically ...
by Johannes
22 Jan 2025, 14:18
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Hamiltonian MPO of different kinds of spins
Replies: 4
Views: 12716

Re: Hamiltonian MPO of different kinds of spins

The fact that you get bond dimension 2 on the boundaries is for technical reasons that we add the "IdL" (ready) and "IdR" (final) states of the MPO finite state machine on each bonds. If you don't want that, overwrite calc_H_MPO in the model by copy-pasting the current implementa...
by Johannes
07 Jan 2025, 13:53
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: computing correlation function and expectation value
Replies: 1
Views: 13432

Re: computing correlation function and expectation value

This should really give the same. It's been a while since you wrote this - has this been resolved by now? I quickly tried to reproduce this for a random MPS, but it seemed to work as expected. If you still find differences, it would be great if you can open an issue on github and provide a (minimal ...
by Johannes
07 Jan 2025, 12:49
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: iDMRG Convergence Issues in 2D Triangular Lattice XXZ Model
Replies: 2
Views: 18440

Re: iDMRG Convergence Issues in 2D Triangular Lattice XXZ Model

Try increasing/varying Lx until you see convergence! In general, if you expect symmetry breaking, the ground state with broken symmetry should be commensurate, i.e. the symmetry broken pattern needs to fit into your iDRMG unit cell! Otherwise, the MPS needs to become a "cat" state with mul...
by Johannes
07 Jan 2025, 12:40
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Hamiltonian MPO of different kinds of spins
Replies: 4
Views: 12716

Re: Hamiltonian MPO of different kinds of spins

I would recommend to use the tenpy.models.model.CouplingMPOModel , and override the methods as detailed in the model user guide . Since you have all-to-all interactions, you don't really have a chain, so you can use a TrivialLattice to write this down - but that implies that you have to manually sum...
by Johannes
07 Jan 2025, 11:04
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Can SpinChainNNN2 in the limits of the TFIM generate same results as TFIModel?
Replies: 1
Views: 6771

Re: Can SpinChainNNN2 in the limits of the TFIM generate same results as TFIModel?

To detect spontaneous symmetry breaking, you shouldn't check the magnetization: it is only nonzero in the symmetry broken states, but you can write an (anti)-symmetric superposition of the symmetry-broken states which has magnetization 0. Instead, you should check the decay of correlations at long d...
by Johannes
14 Oct 2024, 13:46
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: controlling particle number of independent species
Replies: 4
Views: 23104

Re: controlling particle number of independent species

You have to be a bit more specific - your question is very generic, so I can only guess what your problem might be... What's your lattice, how did you get the 0, 1 and 20, 21 indices in your question? I would assume that you would rather want something like Corr=psi.term_rorrelation_function_right([...
by Johannes
30 Sep 2024, 07:17
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: problem about installing tenpy
Replies: 2
Views: 15197

Re: problem about installing tenpy

The python ecosystem is a bit confusing with the different ways you can have "virtual environments" in which you can install packages - see this famous xkcd comic , and the situation has not really become better since the comic came out - now you additionally have conda envrionments, and s...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 16:23
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: controlling particle number of independent species
Replies: 4
Views: 23104

Re: controlling particle number of independent species

I'm not sure what your Hamiltonian is, here - do you have boson hopping between the upper and lower part where you set \mu_{up} and \mu_{down} , respectively, or is there only a density-density interaction? You can only use charge conservation to preserve the respective fillings if H commutes with N...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 16:07
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: controlling particle number of independent species
Replies: 4
Views: 23104

controlling particle number of independent species

I got the following question by email: I encountered some difficulties when setting conserved quantities. I filled two types of bosons in a two-dimensional bosonsite, and I want to control the filling numbers for each boson. Usually, I control the filling number by controlling their chemical potenti...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 16:03
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: How to plot spin structure?
Replies: 1
Views: 13915

Re: How to plot spin structure?

AFM, FM, 120°AFM mean that the system spontaneously breaks the symmetry, i.e. you have degenerate ground states. It's important to distinguish between continous and discrete symmetries, which you break here. If you enforce charge conservation, this might indeed force DMRG to write a superposition of...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 15:39
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Units of exchange coupling and DMI/anisotropic J
Replies: 1
Views: 14312

Re: Units of exchange coupling and DMI/anisotropic J

1.) Hmm, good question. I never tried, but I'm afraid it wouldn't go well, and strongly advise against it. In theory, I agree that you can choose arbitary units and scale all terms in the hamiltonian accordingly. In practice, we have several points where we discard everything on the order of machine...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 15:19
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Strategies to run large-memory calculations?
Replies: 1
Views: 13624

Re: Strategies to run large-memory calculations?

I guess I'm late for you to solve the problem, but maybe as a hint for people trying to solve it in the future: The #SBATCH --nodes=2 asks SLURM for 2 nodes with MPI paralellization. TeNPy can not utilize that (unless you're working in the mpi_parallel branch, which is for very specific use cases on...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 14:44
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Why is finite DMRG running so slowly?
Replies: 1
Views: 12604

Re: Why is finite DMRG running so slowly?

TeNPy has comparable speed with other libraries like ITensor , if you fix parameters for a fair comparison. One big difference is the default dmrg_params['lanczos_params']['N_max'] , the maximum number of lanczos iterations for finding the "ground state" before moving on to the next site. ...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 14:30
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Variance of purified MPS state
Replies: 2
Views: 15308

Re: Variance of purified MPS state

It's not hard to generalize and adjust the source of that variance function to work with purificationMPS - all you need to do is to initially check whether you have the additional q leg (at the top of the function), and if so, in addition contract the additional ['q'] with ['q*'] leg in the tensordo...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 14:17
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Momentum Distribution from MPS
Replies: 1
Views: 12596

Re: Momentum Distribution from MPS

I'm not quite sure what you mean with "momentum distribution". What you can do is measure the correlation function corrs=psi.correlation_function('bd', b') to get \bra{\psi} b^\dagger_i b_{j} \ket{\psi} in real space, and then perform a fourier trafo on both axes, which gives you something...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 14:06
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: DMRG Calculation for Large Systems
Replies: 2
Views: 15372

Re: DMRG Calculation for Large Systems

to put this a bit into perspective, 30 minutes of runtime is often still considered very moderate, state-of-the-art DMRG calculations for publications in journals often run several days to weeks on high-performance-computing cluster nodes with >30 cores (more powerfull than a laptop...) Also, it's i...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 13:39
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Gap in open spin chain :
Replies: 1
Views: 12913

Re: Gap in open spin chain :

The Warning is very relevant here: since version 0.9.0 , the `orthogonal_to` should not be an entry in the `dmrg_params`, but should be a direct keyword argument to the function, i.e. somthing like, M, dmrg_params, orthogonal_to=states) . As an alternative, you might want to ...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 13:18
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: How to model anisotropic exchange J, single-ion anisotropy and DMI for DMRG?
Replies: 5
Views: 45559

Re: How to model anisotropic exchange J, single-ion anisotropy and DMI for DMRG?

1) If you look at the imange of the tenpy.models.lattice.Triangular lattice, you'll see that it's 30 degrees rotatet compared to your image - that's the pi/6 offsett here. 2) If you explicitly have Jxy, Jyx etc, then these will contribute to the very same "terms" Sx_i Sy_j etc that the DMI...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 13:04
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Custom Hamiltonian with multiple fermions and conserved charges
Replies: 1
Views: 11207

Re: Custom Hamiltonian with multiple fermions and conserved charges

Not sure if this is still relevant or solved by now, but anyways: the issue here is that the tenpy.models.lattice.Chain expects that it has a single-site unit cell only. Try using a more general lattice that allows for multiple sites in the MPS unit cell. The "correct" or recommend way in ...
by Johannes
25 Sep 2024, 12:35
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: Different coupling terms on different sites
Replies: 7
Views: 37751

Re: Different coupling terms on different sites

As documented, the strength argumente of add_coupling can be a numpy array - for a square lattice with Lx by Ly sites, for nearest-neighbor hopping/interaction in y -direction, it could be of shape (Lx, Ly-1), or for the one in x-direction (Lx-1, Ly), respectively.
by Johannes
27 May 2024, 16:08
Forum: HowTos and FAQ for TeNPy
Topic: How to evolve an infinite temperature state in a long range Hamiltonian system?
Replies: 1
Views: 7666

Re: How to evolve an infinite temperature state in a long range Hamiltonian system?

At the moment, you should use tenpy.algorithms.purification.PurificationApplyMPO for models with long range. (Or alternatively group sites and use the PurificationTEBD as you suggested.) TDVP doesn't work with purification at the moment. Really, we should refactor the purification code a bit such th...